Depositing Fiat

This article will guide you through the steps of receiving fiat money from an external system.

1. On the main screen in the app, tap Deposit.

2. Switch to Fiat at the top of the screen.

3. Choose the currency you want to deposit to your wallet, by default, it is set to euro. To open a drop-list and change the currency, tap the currency field.

In our case we wanted to Top Up with 100 Euro, which was not allowed due to the KYC.

4. Tap the numbers under the currency to change the amount. When done, tap the confirmation button.

5. Tap Payment method. We will use Perfect Money EUR, as it is the easiest and frequently used. Tap the corresponding option. Please also note that some methods might not be available to you due to the KYC limitations as shown in the picture.

You may also type Perfect Money in your search field.

6. Tap Top up.

7. You'll be transferred to the payment page, where you have to choose the type of your card (debit, credit) and the payment system (Visa, Mastercard). Tap the corresponding icon.

8. Fill in all the fields and tap Pay Securely. You'll be redirected to your bank's confirmation page to finish the transaction.

Note that in some cases, an additional security check will be performed when the fiat money is involved.